The 3 Most Common Objections In Your Product Demo And How To Overcome Them
Prospect: “Great product. It’s just not a now thing”
You: “Okay cool. Totally get it. Thanks for your time.”
That right there is a masterclass on how to blow a SaaS deal, deprive a would-be customer of the value they could’ve received, and being forced to go back to your team with your tail between your legs.
Sounds harsh, but the truth is most SaaS founders fold at the first sign of resistance when in reality, every so-called objection is really just an invitation to go deeper and get a fuller understanding of what your customer truly needs.
This single mindset shift (and the skill to go deeper with each objection) is one of the most critical for any founder to master.
It’s also not that hard to learn.
(this coming from a former introverted coder)
In fact, most of the objections you’ll hear on your demo calls will fall under just three categories.
In this week’s video, I break down each type of objection, and how to confidently overcome them so that you can close more deals and help the people you’re meant to serve.
Exclusive Download: The Rocket Demo Builder™ — Never give a boring software demo again and close up to TWICE as many deals by this time next week
At a high level, most of the objections you encounter will boil down to:
- Price
- Missing feature
- Not a now thing
The first is the hardest to hear — but the easiest to solve.
Usually, a price objection is really just a function of having failed to quantify the cost of your prospect’s problems and connecting it to the solutions your product offers.
This “value connection” is absolutely critical for getting the “yes”, and something that’s baked right into the Rocket Demo Builder (click here if for some crazy reason you don’t yet have it).
Once you master the process, you’ll never get off the Zoom line feeling like you folded too soon.
Watch the full video to learn how to overcome the two other biggest objections, and then leave a comment below letting me know which you feel will have the biggest impact on your demo calls moving forward.
Dan Martell has advised more startups than his hometown has people and teaches startup founders like you how to scale. (Get the free 3 videos to grow your business here.) He previously created, raised venture funding for and successfully exited two tech startups: Flowtown and You should follow him on twitter @danmartell for tweets that are actually awesome.
Originally published at on November 26, 2018.