B2B SaaS Organization: How To Build Your Team as a Founder
Many founders throw money at new employees hoping their business will grow…
Only to find they don’t know where to ‘put’ their new employees, and they end up wasting cash on salaries for an under-utilized team.
Ever experienced this before?
I definitely have.
See, I believe a successful founder doesn’t just build a business…
A successful founder builds a team of people and then the people build the business.
That is my mantra. And as a founder your responsibility is to find, inspire and level up the right people.
That’s where your time is best invested…
But what’s equally important is structuring your organization so you can fully utilize your team’s time and skills.
And that’s where having the proper organization chart comes into play.
This helps you grow from a startup of 2 or 3 co-founders… to a team of 12… then to 25… then 100… then 250…
It shows you where people fit in. Who reports to who. And what’s the chain of responsibility…
And in today’s video, I’m going to share with you an organization chart that’s SO simple, it’ll take you all the way from a fumbling startup to a scaling corporation ready to go public (if that’s what you want).
Exclusive Download: High Octane Team Technique™ — Break Down Your Organization Structure by Function & Create An Environment of Results, Not Excuses
In this video, you’ll be able to identify where your SaaS is, and where you need to be next. You’re going to learn:
- The 6 core functions of a software business
- The 5 levels of leadership to aim for
- Who your key ‘C’ level team should be
- How to divide your functions into teams that make sense
- Expected revenue bands per team size
- What $0K — $120K — $500K MRR looks like
- How to cap your direct reports
- Ultimately keeping your business goals manageable
I like to think of SaaS revenue in terms of the talent it can afford.
$1M in ARR might sound nice, but after you factor in costs (let’s say 30%), the rest is just salaries for your team.
Suddenly all that $1M gets you is 7 employees on $100K salaries without a dollar left.
It becomes extremely important to hire the right people at the right time to make sure every dollar spent grows your business to the next revenue band.
Take 10 mins to prepare a simple org chart with this video.
See you in the comments.
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Dan Martell has advised more startups than his hometown has people and teaches startup founders like you how to scale. (Get access to all my latest business hacks.) He previously created, raised venture funding for and successfully exited three tech companies: Spheric, Flowtown and Clarity.fm. You should follow him on Twitter @danmartell for tweets that are actually awesome.
Originally published at https://www.danmartell.com on November 23, 2020.