A Founder’s Guide To Understanding The SaaS Sales Pipeline
I always look at business through a couple different lenses:
The revenue engine AND the people engine.
But in order to have things humming along inside your biz…
You need to understand these four roles on the “revenue engine” side.
If you’re missing one of these four, it’s an opportunity lost.
Exclusive Resource: Close up to twice as many deals by this time next week. Download the Rocket Demo Builder™ today!
Whether it’s inbound OR outbound…
Closers or customer success
You need to understand AND hire for these roles RIGHT.
One way to set your sales team up for success…?
Download and implement the Rocket Demo Builder™.
The RDB is going to show you how to…
Lead prospects or buyers through the sales process
Using a simple 9-box, step-by-step method.
I STILL use this resource myself.
It’s NOT just for beginners.
Dan Martell is a serial entrepreneur, an investor in 40+ startups like Intercom, Udemy, and Unbounce and the creator of SaaS Academy, helping over 800 B2B SaaS founders scale faster. He’s founded five SaaS companies and successfully exited three of them. If you want to scale faster without hitting the usual roadblocks, make sure to follow him on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn & Twitter.
Join his exclusive Scaling SaaS Founders Facebook Group.
Originally published at https://www.danmartell.com on June 13th, 2022.