6 Powerful Follow-Up Emails To Transform Your Free Trial Conversion Rates
Nothing makes me facepalm harder than getting an email from a SaaS company with a subject line that says…
“Dan, your free trial is about to expire”
*grabs an ice pack for my aching forehead*
If you’re using email marketing as a notification tool (and not as a 24/7 salesperson who doesn’t take holidays or call in sick after a Black Mirror binge fest)…
… then you’re missing a huge opportunity to convert more trial users.
Worse… you’re asking your trial users to invest attention, while offering absolutely no value in return.
Not cool.
On the flipside, email automation can be the most effective and leveraged way to fix a lagging trial to paid rate.
If you’re not converting at least 10% of trial users, chances are you’re NOT sending the right emails — in the right order.
I shot this week’s episode to fix that.
Give it a watch to see the seven types of emails you absolutely NEED to be firing into your automation software to close more trial users.
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In the episode, I go deep into the specific details of how to nail each one, but at a high level, the seven emails you’ll be sending are:
- Welcome Email
- Training
- Case Study
- Tips and Tricks
- Offer to Help
- Make an Offer
- Celebrate or Learn
All of them are supercritical, and it’s hard to imagine a brag-worthy trial conversion rate unless you implement the whole stack…
But if I were to single one out, I urge you to make sure that you’re making an offer.
“Your trial is about to expire” is not a selling proposition that compels people to act…
… and if you’re using lazy “default-type” emails in your onboarding sequence, you’re gonna get “default-type” conversion numbers.
Give this video a watch to give your automated emails a massive upgrade, and then let me know in the comments if you’ve tested another type of email in your onboarding process that has proven successful.
Would love to learn 😉
Dan Martell has advised more startups than his hometown has people and teaches startup founders like you how to scale. (Get the free 3 videos to grow your business here.) He previously created, raised venture funding for and successfully exited two tech startups: Flowtown and Clarity.fm. You should follow him on twitter@danmartell for tweets that are actually awesome.
Originally published at www.danmartell.com on August 6, 2018.