5 Ingredients of a Simple But Powerful Business Scorecard
“How’s your company doing?”
It’s a simple question.
Yet one that freezes so many SaaS founders in their tracks.
Why? They have no freakin’ clue how to answer it.
Do you mean churn?
Do you mean new leads?
Do you mean expansion revenue?
Without a clear scorecard, you don’t know what game you’re playing — and if you don’t know the game you’re playing, not only is it impossible to “win”, but you’ll burn out trying to play every game all at once.
Before I had a clear scorecard at Spheric Technologies, we were up to 16 employees and a million plus in revenue — yet I was a total wreck.
I was accountable for EVERYONE — double checking the most basic things like invoicing at 2 am… on top of my core role as CEO.
And it was all because I failed to implement a scorecard system, and delegate ownership to the right team members.
Simply put, unless you implement a Precision Scorecard™ in your company (and assign ownership to the right team members)… your growth will be severely stunted and you’ll be flirting nonstop with burnout.
In this week’s video, I give you the simplest (yet most powerful) scorecard that you can print out and implement as soon as your next team meeting.
Exclusive Download: Weekly Sync™ — Run Your Weekly Team Meetings Following This Structure Easy, Fast & Productive
At a high level, here are the 5 key ingredients of a killer scorecard:
- Funnel Metrics
- Weekly Measurement
- Net New Numbers
- Targets and Actuals
- Assign Ownership
If personal (or team) motivation has ever been an issue in your company, you’ll want to pay special attention to implementing #3 on the list.
By tracking net new numbers, you literally “engineer” motivation into your scorecard, and defend against complacency.
It’s a small step (literally a few clicks on a spreadsheet) that can make a massive impact over the weeks and months.
Check out the full episode here, and let me know in the comments what changes to your scorecard you plan to make in time for your next weekly meeting.
Dan Martell has advised more startups than his hometown has people and teaches startup founders like you how to scale. (Get the free 3 videos to grow your business here.) He previously created, raised venture funding for and successfully exited two tech startups: Flowtown and Clarity.fm. You should follow him on twitter@danmartell for tweets that are actually awesome.
Originally published at www.danmartell.com on September 10, 2018.